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NO See Factsheet YES Is the Period Condition met?* Once a week or more 4 or more days in a 30-day period Overnight between 2am - 6am *Please note: People who work with children infrequently, but who would be in regulated activity (new or old definition) if it were done frequently, are now eligible for an Enhanced check without the childrens barred list check. n.b. for personal care these conditions do not apply See Factsheet Not Regulated Activity. No Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate required. NO This is Regulated Activity Apply for a DBS certificate which is ENHANCHED and checks the BARRED LIST Application Form Notes X60=YES X61=complete X62=complete X63=Enhanced X64=Yes X65=No X66=complete X67=complete X68=complete Not Regulated Activity. No Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate required. NO YES YES Is this work falling in the pre-September 2012 definition of regulated work? Eligible for an ENHANCED DBS certificate Application Form Notes X60=YES X61=complete X62=complete X63=Enhanced X64=No X65=N X66=complete X67=complete X68=complete NO NO Is this work supervised at ALL times? 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