ࡱ> jli +$bjbjUU ;Z?g?go TTTTThhh8<h=xx^0t0 0L=N=N=N=N=N=N=$@aCr=T0/|^000r=TTT=1110FTTL=10L=11r;T<դ:0<8==0=<C0C<CT<00100000r=r=1000=0000C000000000 X : Safeguarding - everyones responsibility In February 2011, the Scottish Government introduced a new membership scheme. It replaces and improves the current disclosure arrangements for people who work with vulnerable groups. The Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG Scheme) will: help to ensure that those who have regular contact with children and protected adults through paid and unpaid work do not have a known history of harmful behaviour. be quick and easy to use, reducing the need for PVG Scheme members to complete a detailed application form every time a disclosure check is required strike a balance between proportionate protection and robust regulation make it easier for employers to determine who they should check to protect their client group Who Should Join? Three questions to ask to see if a post is Regulated Work with Children A person requires to be checked and become a member of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme if the answer is YES to each of the following three questions. Question 1Question 2Question 3 Is it work of any kind, paid or as a volunteer? YES / NO (If no, stop here because it will not be regulated work.) Work is defined as work of any kind including paid and unpaid that is NOT done as part of a personal relationship or arrangement. For example personal arrangements thatparents make with friends and family to look after their children or transport them to activities or clubs is not work. But, in this example, if the care is provided by members of the Churchwho are recruited for that purpose, as in a youth group or crche, the arrangements are formal and delivered on behalf of the organisation and it is therefore work.Are they working with a child under the age of 18 years? YES / NOAre any of the following tasks part of the normal duties of the person providing the service? You must be able to tick YES to at least one of the following.  3.1 Will the person be in sole charge or have unsupervised contact with the person receiving the service e.g. being with the person when no one else is present? YES / NO 3.2 Providing teaching or instruction or training? YES / NO  Three questions to ask to see if a post is Regulated Work with Adults Question 1Question 2Question 3 Is it work of any kind, paid or as a volunteer? YES / NO If NO, stop here because it will not be regulated work. Work is defined as work of any kind including paid and unpaid that is NOT done as part of a personal relationship or arrangement. An example of an activity that is not work is a person visiting a friend in a residential care home. This is done in a personal capacity. But it would be work if they were a member of a pastoral care group doing this visit on behalf of the Church. Are they working with a protected adult and providing a welfare service? You need to tick NO to question 2.1 and YES to questions 2.2 to 2.5 for the person to be a protected adult.  Are any of the following tasks part of the normal duties of the person providing the service? You must be able to tick YES to at least one of the following. 2.1 Can anyone in the congregation receive this service, assistance, support or help? YES / NO If Yes stop here: it is not regulated with adults. 3.1 Will the person be in sole charge or have unsupervised contact with the person receiving the service e.g. being with the person when no one else is present? YES / NO 2.2 Does the person receiving the service have particular needs over and above those of the general population? e.g. need help with personal care or meal preparation, are housebound or depend on others for transport etc.? YES / NO 3.2 Providing teaching or instruction or training? YES / NO2.3 Is the person receiving the service 16 years or over? YES / NO 2.4 Is the service provided in the name of the United Reformed Church or LEP? YES / NO 2.5 Is the service provided regularly and in a planned way? YES / NO   Notes: ln Table 2 'welfare service' means the provision of practical, personal or emotional support or advice, and guidance with spiritual matters. There is an overlap for 16-18 year olds who may be classed as either children or protected adults. But it is usually obvious how this should be classified by the nature of the service provided. lf the answer to question 2.1 is 'yes' then the activity or service which is available for anyone in the congregation, regardless of their health, age, disability or circumstances, means that the person receiving it is not a protected adult. The paid member of staff or volunteer providing the service does not need to join the PVG Scheme. Elders are a good example of such a post: the service is provided for all in the congregation. For the answer to be 'no' the service or activity would need to be targeted only at people with particular needs - see note 3 below. All elders provide pastoral care in the general sense but only those who are members of formally set up pastoral care visiting groups for people with particular needs need to join the Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme. Scottish Government new clarification about the definition of 'particular needs', February 2011. (The following is a direct quote from the Scottish Government) "Particular needs" is explained at paragraph 23 of chapter 2 of the PVG Guidance. ln relation to the activity of providing "assistance, advice and guidance" (schedule 3, paragraph 5), further clarity is required. The Scottish Government has provided the following expansion of the definition already provided in the PVG Guidance: "A particular need is a specific requirement an individual may have arising from either physical or mental illness, or physical or mental disability which may disadvantage that person when compared to the rest of society." Therefore, the following individuals may have particular needs: individuals with (temporary or permanent) physical capacity issues above and beyond the normal course of events, i.e. not including ailments which affect everyone from time to time such as colds or flu; individuals with (temporary or permanent) mental disorder (i.e. mental illness, learning disability or personality disorder); individuals with degenerative diseases; generally, individuals who suffer a prolonged impairment in doing ordinary tasks necessary to support their work or home life (rather like the DDA criteria); people with drug or alcohol problems (unless as a result of a medical condition or mental disorder). Therefore, the following do not have particular needs by virtue of the following alone: people with debt problems; people who do not have English as a first language; people in detention; the jobless, or otherwise economically deprived; people with literacy or numeracy problems (although these may be symptoms of a condition which does give rise to particular needs); friends or relatives of protected adults or individuals with particular needs. (Richard Crosse, Head of Safeguarding, The Church of Scotland, 12 January 2011)      FILENAME \p \* MERGEFORMAT J:\CRBs\PVG Scotland\PVG Who Should join Nov 2012.doc  )*  ! Z [     ? [ \ ]   " # $ ȷȩȜȜȜȜȜȜ||kkkkd huh huh CJOJQJ^JaJhu<h 5OJQJ^J#hu<h 5CJ OJQJ^JaJ hu<h OJQJ^Jh cOJQJ^JmH sH  hu<h'OJQJ^JmH sH  hu<h OJQJ^JmH sH h hx(h 5CJ,hx(hx(5CJ4aJ hx(h 5CJ4aJ ')*! 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